About me:

Oh oh oh! I'm an exotic and sone :) chuuuuuu^^~
![]() Monday, 7 November 2011 | 22:56 | 1 comments
Aku kene tinggal kn kau la . SORRY . Sbb aku da bnyk kali BUSTED . Ksian kau . Aku tknk libatkn kau la . Aku kne jaohkn diri drpd kau . & Sbb tula aku BLOCK kau & UNFRIEND dgn ko kt FB . Sbb aku wajeb (!) jaohkn diri aku drpd kau , tk bole contact kau lagi , tk bole tgk muke kau lagi . SORRY (1.0 x) . Aku tk bole bwt pape laa . FORGET about the DECEMBER text . But in my HEART , you're still remained in my LIFE . Really sorry =C |