About me:

Oh oh oh! I'm an exotic and sone :) chuuuuuu^^~
![]() Tuesday, 29 May 2012 | 21:03 | 0 comments
Hi! Blog baru kay? SIMPLE MIMPLE. Sapa jealous? Angkat gigi! Arggghh, go die la. Ada sebab aku tukar blog biasa. Okay, sapa bosan? Click X button tu yee. Bye ^^ ![]() | 02:10 | 0 comments
![]() Dear You, look at that picture. Yes, it's true. Stay strong and be unbroken. You know what? I don't care about you anymore. I'm not sad. You don't know how suffer and sad I am but who cares? I don't wanna think about anymore. I have one. I mean, I interested with someone. He maybe looks nerd, geek, stupid, blur, I still like him. He is my only one crush. I don't know why I like him. My friends told me that he is stupid and not handsome at all. But it's wrong :D Muka dia handsome kalau tak pakai specs and songkok dia tuh -,- Dia comel. Bagi aku lah. Dia nampak lembab and dungu sebab dia punya dressing nampak macam lembab and dungu. Bhahahahaha :D He's awesome kay? Sampai la jadi macam ni.... Aku selalu kirim salam kat dia. Aku suruh kawan aku yang terdekat kirimkan salam kat dia. Banyak kali dah dia tanya "Sapa? Sapa?" Macam orang asli tak betul. Kesian kesian. Sekali, dia dah tau sapa yang terhegeh hegeh kirim salam kat dia tu. Aiseeeyyy man! Malu tahap gaban lah aku. GILA! Mana nak letak muka ni. Jumpa je dia, terus gelabah. Haiyaaa, manyak susah maa. Macam mana nak buat ekk? Tapi, ada time bila aku terserempak dengan dia, aku jadi cair / gila jugak. Haaiihh -,- Kawan aku pun naik menyampah. Ishhhhhh. Walaupun kau dah tau sapa yang selama ni kirim salam kat kau, aku tetap suka kat kau. YOU ARE MY WORLD. Aku harap sangat kalau dapat cakap cakap dengan kau. Muwaahahah :D At least kau senyum kat aku. Waaaaahh, tinggi nya mimpi kau Nabila. No matter what happen, I will like you forever and ever. Bye crush! ![]() | 01:51 | 0 comments
![]() Hey you. You. You. You are horrible. It really hurts you know. I loved you. But you treat me like a dog. I'm tired and sick of this. So, I think we have to end this thing. I wanna break with you. You are nothin' to me now. You just a normal guy with no love. You just a fvckin playboy again. And I don't wanna see you forever. You're so different. I don't know you. I want the old you. If you don't love me anymore, just said it to me. It won't make me very sad and weak if you told me first. I love my ex than you, okay. He is much better. He treats me nicely, he loves me and he don't wanna lose me. Not like you. You're such a bad guy who doesn't have a heart, don't care somebody's feeling. YOU ARE BASTARD ! I hate you. I hate you and I hate you so much. I promise I 'll not talking with you or smilinng or look at you. Now, I'm a Lonely Master. |