About me:

Oh oh oh! I'm an exotic and sone :) chuuuuuu^^~
![]() Thursday, 7 February 2013 | 01:22 | 0 comments
Oh wow Assalamualaikum and hi sunshiners or readers! Hmmm long time no update ah :p My blog is dusty kay :D I'm kinda busy yknow homeworks and whatever PBS blablabla :p So i just want to tell and share my story in 2013 :)
well, i just want to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR?! haha too late? idc :p yknow, new year, new homework, new subject syllabus, new friends, new crush, new school :) i love this year. because PBS tahun ni makin mengancam lagi mengancam bhai :p omaigod I'M SO STRESS! *hyperact* Why do we have to do this kinda stupid thingy called PBS? hey if I can't go to the boarding school, i will blame you guys, kementerian pelajaran :p okay no study time. it's about crush, addicts, loves, likes and boyfriend. i have NEW crush this year. Hihi well i don't even know his name at first. because he looks not interested with me duh :p
Yeah after a few weeks i mean two weeks later lah, qayyum tetiba masuk kelas kitorang pastu cakap "someone, likes you." omg who who who?! ingatkan iqbal kepal..... bes....? rupanya budak KRS tu :D Hahaha. It's funny when memorize it. Dia selalu usha je aku from a far. Time Ko, uniform dah lah sama KRS lagilah dia usha hahaha funny lah :D pastu bukaklah instagram tengok followers ada nama "haikal alias" i was like "who's this creature?" apelagi stalk ah doh :p it's the guy who had crush on me :) Oh nama dia haikal hmmmm. tengok gambar dia jelah aku ni.
pastu on facebook aku yang dah "berhabuk" jugak tu. fuh ada "haikal alias" lagi walaweh semua dia tau aku punya account. haha dia ni cool ah semua je tau. and then terus dia chat dengan aku wuish. okaylah dia layan aku with good treats? haha pastu pagi tu aku saja nak tease dia haha babai dia lah ahhaha jahat lah aku ni :D Merah muka dia bila aku babai dia DENGAN SEMANGAT WEYH. malam tu pun dia ada chat dengan aku. time tu dia agak desperate sikit ah haha. tapi dia cover je bagus. and the ending stops there BORING.
Besoknya hari Jumaat. Apa lagi aku carik dia sampai lubang taik. Sebab nak "HI AND BABAI" dia? I was like "ohemgee what's going on with me?" terus takda mood nak pergi jumpa dia. WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ME? Kenapa aku beria-ria sangat nak carik dia? I CAN'T. I just can't. It's creepy yknow.
Malam tu, tengoklah MLM sekejap SAMBIL bukak twitter and facebook. si haikal tu online. dia pun chat lah dengan aku. PEACEFULLY. And i saw his tweet. "malam ni" i was just "why malam ni? what happen malam ni?" Rupa-rupanya dia nak confess kat aku malam tu. Auuwww he's good. Tapi main main cover lah tu. I was like "oh okay :D" Just that. Harap dia tak terasa ah. And dia tanya "kau suka siapa?" OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?! I'm not ready yet. Okay sebelum tu,
yknow about "my secret crush"? yah ummm well umm, it's him haha! UNBELIEVABLE. I thought when I accost him, he might feel uncomfortable and uneasy. so sebab tulah aku senyap je. dear you, i lagi lama suka kat you kay hahahah :D So balik ke cerita tadi, agak lama ye nak bagi jawapan. so i said "YES" to him. And we're truely a couple. No no no. Pudding and Jelly Couple :) I called him pudding because of his face. Idk how to explain don't ask me. Then he called me Jelly. Because aku yang suruh oh em gee not cool :p Hahaha tak ke comel tu? Ada nama couple tau :p Hahaha kay pastu semua orang jeles ugh duh :p
You know, it's a beautiful beginning of the month. Because i got a little kind damn perfect and cute boy :) Muahmmad Haikal Alias, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PUDDING :) I will keep calm and maintain our relationship :) Oh yeah and Happy 14th Birthday :) Awak dah tua dah hahahaha :D Bye, Assalamualaikum.