About me:

Oh oh oh! I'm an exotic and sone :) chuuuuuu^^~
![]() Thursday, 26 July 2012 | 02:21 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum + salam Ramadhan semua :3 Weeeww, lama nya aku tak update blog. Well, it's about my honey bunny, pengarang jantung hati :B He may looks weird and not handsome at all, but in my eyes, he looks perfect and special♥ His name is, naaahhh, can't tell lah :x Promise me you'll not leave me.![]() Maybe dia suka reply text aku lambat nak mampus nak masuk kubur, dia still baik. Dia still caring sharing. Dia still loving loving. Aaaaahh, nikmatnya duniaa :3 What? About the past? The guy who was hurting me? OH THAT GUY. I still remember. But, I don't mind about him anymore. Buatlah apa kau nak. Aku tak kesah. Lagipung, kau sapa untuk aku enn? Aku sapa nak larang kau buat apa apa? Aku tak heran lah weyh. Kau ada kat depan mata aku ke, ternampak kau ke, takdanya aku nak cair dah. Because, I have someone that really care for me. Not like you. Always sombong sombong sombong. Like a boss :p So, maybe I can keep my relationship with him about 1 year at least? I hope so lah. But there's a stupid pity loopy girl that disturb my future husband lah. Her name is, naaahhh can't tell lah. Bitch, he hates you. Very much hates. Don't you understand? You wanna be his friend at least? Over my dead bodeeeyyyhh! He hates you, you know, HATES YOU! So, backoff and continue with your life. Never ever ever disturb disturb our *housesteps. If not aaahhh, your last word after you die in my arms. *gelak jahat gila kungkang kunngkang* Goodbye! Petunjuk: This single star '*' just translate to malay okay :B ![]() Friday, 13 July 2012 | 15:56 | 0 comments
![]() You want me to be like this? It always happen. When I'm sad, frust, mad, all things in my room lying everywhere. You want me to be a crazy person? Who doen't have any brain? How could you. You know what? I've been wasting my tears just beacuse of you. And I've been wasting my time to make you close to me. What happened to you? If you like someone already, just tell the truth to people. So, they will know that you already taken or liked someone. And I don't have to do this crazy things. I don't have to think, worry, care about you. I don't have to cry because of you. I don't have to worry of you. And I don't have to care about you. Why not? I'd work hard to make you know me better. But you don't. You liked someone. My heart was just like..down.. down... downn.. It hurts, dude. Seriously? "nobody cares about me.." You're wrong, young man. Did you ever know who cares about you all time? Did you ever know who's thinking of you? Did you ever care about someone that like you? Did you ever think about someone that like you? Did you ever know I'm the one who cares you all time? Did you ever know I'm the one that like and love you so so much? NEVER. You never realize that you already have someone that cares about you than you imagine. All things that you know is to make someone that you like, fell in love with you. Duh, bro. She may looks pretty, cute, bright, funny, and perfect. But, she said she'll never likes you. It's a declaration. Maybe I don't know whether she have feelings on you. And I would never blame her. Hello! Please come back to your normal world. This is not a game. It'll hurts people. You have to be serious on this. You are not a little cute innocent child. You already Form 1. You have passed the test, UPSR. You become bigger and bigger. Please make a brilliant and smart decision. And please remember this from my lips, You already have someone that cares about you all time. I just want to say that. I hope you realize what happen. I won't forcing you to think about it. It's up to you to choose what's the right one. Please, come back soon. |