About me:

Oh oh oh! I'm an exotic and sone :) chuuuuuu^^~
![]() Wednesday, 29 August 2012 | 20:41 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and alowha sunshiners! Wow, very long time no typing aa. Yeah, I'm quite busy lah. Lemme story mory to yah about my Ramadhan, Raya and blablabla.The month of Ramadhan. Ugh, first day udah period. No time lah nak pergi terawih. My dad said to me that don't worry, there is still more days to go to terawih. Haih. I love this Ramadhan. And I really want to go to terawih with my dad. Uwaaaa, wait a minute. Tengok tengok je................... ai dah free from that ugh period. YEAAAYYYY!!!! -__- Then, I can fasting and go to the surau. Yes, gooooddd. Simplify my story, my Ramadhan's day was so boring. Seriously. Ada jugaklah seronok sikit. Nothing to say. Pejam celik pejam celik, dah nak raya. Wah, lagilah boring nak leaving Ramadhan just like that. *duckface* First day of Hari Raya. It's really amazing! I love my raya. I can meet my relatives! They're so adorable lah. I love you guys x. Ai punya baju kurung kaler hijau and pink polkadots x) Kau hado? -_- Yeah, it's amazing to have raya. Just that? Boringnya. My activities during school holiday. Ai pergi Thistle hotel. Hotelnya private deh. *fuckin damn duckface* Ai excited gila masa tu. *hyper mode activate* Uwahahaha, tapi memang awesomee lah that day. Then ada jugak pergi beraya dengan super cool cousins. I love that day. Nak nak lagi ada satu rumah tu, aku jugak yang jadi mangsa, kena tadah telinga dengar makcik or nenek mana tah membebel pasal hidup dia. Time tu cousins semua gelak. Ada yang gelak sampai menangis, sakit perut sampai pergi toilet berkali kali, berguling guling pun ada -_- Hah, gelaklah korang. Amik duit raya pun makcik tu nak bebel lagi .___. Speechless gila masa tu. Dahsyat lah makcik tu. Tak penat ke? Hahaha. After a few days, barulah kitorang go back to our houses. Ahhh, I miss my home, room, and kitchen. And food. Terpikir pulak pasal sekolah tak lama lagi nak start. Eiy, benci benci -____-! Tapi, luckily I'm not going to school because ada program merdeka pebenda tah. Yeah! Takyah, belajar, no homework and no exam paper marks. Yeah. Actually penat jugaklah kena berarak ramai ramai kat dataran merdeka tu. And that day, I met some actors, singer and dancer. Wow, dorang sume adorable xx Tapi, nampak sombong gila. Pui. Tanak layan *walks away* Kitorang masa berarak tu bukannya buat betul betul. Ada yang texting, ada yang sempat main PSP, ada yang dengar lagu using headphone lagi! Geng aku lagilah teruk. Macam gajah masuk kampung. Terkial kial sana sini lah, terlompat lompat lah, memekak lah, gelak gelak lah, haih macam maaacaam ada! Tapi seriously lah, kitorang enjoy benda alah tu :) There's many actually but ai dah penat nak typing. Well, dah lama tak update apa apa. Uhhh! Gotta go now! Pie bye! Sayonara and Assalamualaikum :-) ![]() Saturday, 11 August 2012 | 02:43 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. Everything's gone. Already gone. He's gone. He's not half of my life anymore. You know what I mean? I love you so much. But I don't know why the 'love' things progressively disappear. Beacause! Of you. You didn't text me about a month! And you know what happen? I'm crying for all night. I'm waiting for your text. I'm waiting for your 'cakk' or 'hii' text. But it exactly not happen. I give you a message in Facebook. You replied, "Sorry dear. I don't have credits." , "You, I takda credits lagi." , "Nabila, I don't have any credits yet." Pergi bawak matilah 'I don't have credits' kau tu. Tak logic dear you. About a month. You're not fullfill your topup? Wow, such a very good boy.Then, bila aku text kau, mukadimah konon konon nak break ngan kau, barulah ada credit. Bodohnya woi. Seems like you gets boring when texting with me. What else? I give you my love. I help you achieve your dream to be my boyfriend. You got everything. Unfortunately, you're not use it properly. You ignore me. You treat me like a normal person. You never want to plan that you wanna hangout with me. It hurts me. So hurt. Please stop this so damn stupid nonsense game. FYI, I hate this game so much. Kau yang beria-ria sangat nak couple dengan aku. Then, you ignore me. Wheeww, such a lovely boy. Yesterday, was the worst day ever. It's our farewell day. You didn't reply my DM. That's mean you agree with my words. You have awek already? Tell me. Tell me first! You're a nut. We can be a friend. Not a friend that spend all time. But friend and we're enemies. It's called frienemies. Yeah. So, last word before break up is my DM. Goodbye little boy. *lambai dia guna sapu tangan ala ala princess :p* |